Here’s Who is Already Doing Mobile Learning

Are you behind the mobile growth phase of e-learning?

Published on 4 September, 2017 | Last modified on 1 November, 2022

Are you behind the mobile growth phase of e-learning?

As part of our State of Learning and Development 2017 report with InSync Training, we wanted to find out what learning trends are already being used and who is deploying them.

Mobile learning is one of the hottest topics, and demand for it only increases as we become a more mobile-oriented society. Yet only 16% of the overall L&D population currently uses mobile learning. So who has already implemented it?

Industries Using Mobile Learning

Corporate training services companies are the most likely to use mobile learning. This makes sense as their business model revolves around staying up to date and fulfilling client demand for new technology. Teams Doing Mobile Learning - Featured Image

Other honourable mentions go to Wholesale Trade, Manufacturing, and Business Consulting firms.

Company Sizes Using Mobile Learning

The highest percentage of companies already using mobile learning were ones with more than 1000 employees. Considering these organisations rely on a more geographically dispersed workforce, it makes sense that they would invest in the technology to provide on-the-go training on mobile devices.

Companies with 101-500 employees are also more likely to currently use mobile learning.

Training Department Sizes Using Mobile Learning

Surprisingly, smaller training teams are more likely to use mobile learning than larger teams. Training departments 50 or fewer team members account for 84% of the departments currently using mobile learning.

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Training Population Size Using Mobile

Training departments with 1,000+ learners are far and away the most likely to employ mobile learning, accounting for 58% of mobile learning usage. However, only 8% of companies with 501-1000 annual learners use mobile learning.

Remote Learners Using Mobile

Mobile learning is most likely to be employed when the learner population is 25% of the overall audience. Surprisingly, only a quarter of trainers responsible for 100% remote learners reported that they use mobile learning.

Want more insight like this? Download your free copy of the State of L&D 2017 report.

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