3 Reasons to Add Digital Content to Your Training

The concept of digital training content is far from foreign in the 21st century.

Published on 30 August, 2017 | Last modified on 1 November, 2022

The concept of digital training content is far from foreign in the 21st century.

The concept of digital training content is far from foreign in the 21st century. Whether it is simply learners asking for the digital version of the PowerPoint or management looking to cut costs, every trainer, instructional designer, and coordinator has heard the rumblings of providing digital material.

For those of you considering whether digital really is the route for you, here are three ways it will take your company to the next level:

1. 70:20:10 Model for the 21st Century

Everyone is familiar with the model that only 10% of learning is done in formal training, with 20% from interactions with others and a whopping 70% done on the job. While the principles of this model are still true, with digital content, formal training extends into the 70% of on-the job learning by providing on-demand materials.

3 reasons to add digital content to your training 2

By providing digital content that can be accessed anywhere, any time, on any device, you enable your learners to refer to your course material when they actually need it, not just in the classroom. This means they will better retain what they learned – and bump up the ROI on the course for your team.

2. Secure Your Content

When it comes to print training materials, you have two ways of controlling who sees your IP: limiting the number you print, and forcing all attendees to turn in the material at the end of the class. The first strategy promises nothing: anyone can make a photocopy of the material once they leave the classroom. The second strategy means your learners can’t access the material once they leave the face-to-face training, which limits their ability to integrate that training into their day-to-day.

Digital offers much more control over your content. A good digital platform will secure your content so that only people you want to have access will be able to open it, usually by following a private link or using a keycode. As administrator, you are able to revoke that access at any time, and each piece of content can be set to expire.

Moreover, digital platforms control how your learners access the content. For example, some solutions offer the option to view content online or offline without any downloads, meaning the learner can access the content anywhere on any device, but can’t save it to their own files or share it with anyone else.

Secure Your Content

3. Cater to Millennials

It’s no secret that millennials love digital technology. Forbes lists leaving out digital content in training as one of the 5 big mistakes you can make with millennials. It goes back to the on-demand learning model: millennials turn to digital materials (which are often indexed for easy Google-esque searches) as reference rather than keeping around filing cabinets full of binders.

The reality is that while 55% of training programmes are still face-to-face, 90% already use some sort of e-learning content (Toward Maturity Benchmark Fast Facts). If you haven’t started providing it for your learners, it’s time for you to catch up.

Top 10 Things to Consider When Delivering Training Content Digitally

Free L&D Toolkit: Top 10 Things to Consider When Delivering Training Digitally

Whether you’re struggling to reach more mobile learners, keep the ones in front of you engaged, or start an entire digital training program from scratch, this toolkit will help.

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