Printing Hopeland: A Non-Profit Partnership with Mimeo

Behind every non-profit stands a number of key supporters. Find out how the non-profit organization Hopeland has an unlikely connection with Mimeo.

Published on 18 April, 2019 | Last modified on 1 November, 2022
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Behind every non-profit stands a number of key supporters. In many cases, these supporters tend to be individuals, but in Hopeland’s case, one of its most valuable supporters is Mimeo. For the last two years, Mimeo (a print distribution company) has provided Hopeland with generous support.

Mimeo And Hopeland

Mimeo’s most significant contribution to Hopeland has been something easy to overlook — office space. Younger charities like Hopeland need a space where they can conduct work and establish their staff. Mimeo has generously given our organization the amenities needed to do both.

In turn, Mimeo’s presence has allowed Hopeland to keep its funds geared towards programs that help the organization’s value.

Beyond office space, Mimeo provides Hopeland with its phenomenal print services. This has been key for events where Hopeland needs promotional materials or other collateral to engage with its attendees. To date, Mimeo has provided Hopeland with prints of all kinds including auction posters, business cards, and more.

Not only have these materials helped us stand out from others, but they’ve advanced our efforts on several fronts with donors and corporate partners as well.

Hopeland’s Mission

By this point, you’re probably wondering: What does Hopeland do, exactly? Well, Hopeland is a non-profit organization focused on finding solutions for children outside the care of family.

Hopeland PerspectiveAround the world, there are 25 million children separated from their families and an additional 385 million at risk of separation. Hopeland supports initiatives, both domestic and overseas, to tackle the root cause of these issues and ensure every child has a safe, loving family.

To Prevent

Hopeland takes a three-pronged approach on the issue of children outside family care. First and foremost, Hopeland is looking to prevent the separation of parent and child.

The moment a child enters institutionalized care, their likelihood for incarceration, suicide, substance abuse, and lack of higher education increases significantly. Years of brain research shows how detrimental institutionalized care can be for children — and it’s also more expensive. These are all reasons why organizations around the world must focus on preventative solutions.

To Reunite

Secondly, Hopeland looks to reunite, where appropriate, families who have been separated. Hopeland’s CEO recounts a story on a trip he took to Rwanda, where a mother’s child had been held hostage by an orphanage. The child’s mother originally put her child in the orphanage because she expected a better life for her child.

However, when the mother was ready to look after her child on her own, the orphanage refused to give her child back. Their reason was that her child proved to appeal to visitors at the orphanage and made it more likely they’d give money. Villagers then rallied and faced the orphanage together, retrieved the child and gave her back to her mother.

To Mobilize

Thirdly, Hopeland looks to mobilize. There are 80 families for every child without one. While it’s not realistic for each of those 80 families to adopt a child, it’s also not impossible for many to step up. Of these 80 families, only half may consider adoption. Of the remaining 40, only half may actually have the means to adopt. And of those remaining 20, only 10 families may move on to actually adopting a child.

The good news is the 70 other families aren’t limited to adoption. They can support a child in many different ways, such as providing valuable tools for education or raising awareness of these issues to policymakers.

Come back to read more about how Mimeo and its subsidiary brand, Mimeo Photos, worked together at the Hopeland Gala.

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