How to Use Direct Distribution (Mimeo Digital)

What is Direct Distribution?

Using direct distribution, you can now place content directly in your end-user's library without requiring them to redeem a key. 

Why use Direct Distribution?

Many administrators want to make the key redemption process simpler for end users and at the same time have an easy way to provide content to a specific list of recipients. Direct Distribution allows administrators to manage the key redemption process for their audience members more efficiently. 

How does Direct Distribution Work?

Your content will be directly distributed to any end-user who is assigned a key. 

Assigned Keys for Direct Distribution

To create assigned keys, enter one or more email addresses, and then click the plus button. 

  • If the end user already has an account with Mimeo Digital, it will add their email and name in the text box provided.

  • If the user does not have an account, you will be prompted to enter their name in the text box below "Name." Both the full name and email address of the end-user are required so we can distribute the content appropriately.

Entering a Recipient List

To enter multiple email addresses, separate the email addresses with a comma. Please note, there should be NO spaces before or after each comma.

Verify Total

The "Total" at the bottom of the distribution window is the sum of both assigned and unassigned keys. Make sure it matches the intended number of keys. Once "Generate Keys" is clicked, you will receive a report that provides links to both assigned and unassigned keys.

How End-Users View Your Content

  • If your end-user has not already set up an account with Mimeo Digital, they will need to sign-up and log in. The assigned content will already be populated in their library.

  • Users with existing accounts will see the new content in their library the next time they log into their Mimeo Digital account. 

Assigning a Key to a User after Distribution

If you need to assign keys after the distribution has been created, you can do so by designating unassigned keys to new users. 

Go to the Keys report from the left-hand navigation.

An Assign User button will be available for each unassigned key.

Add the email address and click "OK."

The content will now appear in the assigned end user’s library.

Common FAQs

I have used Direct Distribution to share content with my class. My end-user has registered an account with Digital and is able to log in. However, he/she is still unable to view content in his library.

If you have enabled the “Require email validation’’ option in the general settings of your administrative account, then your end user will have to first validate their address by interacting with the sign-up message sent to their email. After validating and logging back into Digital, they will be able to view their content in their library.

I am trying to enter multiple email addresses in the text box, on the “Distributions” page. However, I keep seeing the error icon.

There are two criteria to keep in mind when you are entering multiple addresses in the text box:

  1. The email address should be valid, so double-check that every email address follows the standard format of sample@samplewebsite.sampledomain

  2. Multiple email addresses should be separated by a comma (,) without any spaces before or after the comma. For example:,,

How do I know if my content has reached my users when I use Direct Distribution?

The process of key generation and redemption is the same for both assigned and unassigned keys. 

The only difference with direct distribution is that your users don’t have to manually redeem a key when they log into their library. 

You can always check the status of keys by going to your Keys report. Any assigned keys will be shown as "Redeemed," while unassigned keys will be "Available."

Can I revoke a content key distribution that I had distributed through Direct Distribution?
Yes. Content can be revoked for specific users, whether you use Direct Distribution or unassigned keys. 

From the Keys report of your library, find the audience member in question. Their key status will display as "Redeemed." Click on the status and change it to "Revoked." They will now no longer have access to your content.

Will my users still be able to use all the Digital features if I distribute through Direct Distribution?

Absolutely! Direct Distribution is just an effective and secure method available for administrators to share content directly with intended users, without putting their users go through the hassle of having to manually redeem a key. 

It also provides an additional layer of security for administrators, so you don’t have to worry about the misuse of redeemed keys. It has no impact on any of the Digital features whatsoever and your end-users will be able to use all features available on the Mimeo Digital application.

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