How to Manage Approvals (Mimeo Marketplace Admin)

When you set up a Mimeo Marketplace to give users an opportunity to order your content, you may want to set up approval rules to make sure no one abuses your content or budget. 

Marketplace-wide approvals are set up and managed from your Admin Console.

Create A New Approval


From the Approvals tab, select “Create New Approval.”



Approval Name and Rules

In some cases, you may want every order to require approval from your admin team. Alternatively, you can set up approvals for very specific cases. For example, you can create an approval rule for every order over $500, or if the order is for next-day shipping. Select your parameters from the menu provided. 

Give your approval rule a descriptive name that you will recognize later on, such as “Next Day Shipping Approval.”  


Approval Time Window

When an order that requires approval is submitted, your designated approvers will receive an email with order details and a prompt to either approve or decline the email. You can give them up to 96 hours to submit their approval. Then choose whether you want the order to auto-accept or auto-decline if your approvers do not submit their answer within the designated time frame.

The approval window will not prevent a shopper’s order from delivering on time. It is designed to factor in the delivery dates offered to the shopper. If you need to decline the order, your approver will also be able to send a message to the shopper explaining why.


Apply Approvals to Marketplaces

Next, select whether the rule applies to all your Marketplaces or to any specific Marketplace. You can also designate approval rules for specific shopper groups. For example, you may want approvals for your internal Marketplace that comes out of your budget but not for your external Marketplace that collects revenue. 


Designate Approvals

Finally, designate who will have the power to approve orders. Your approvers must already be set up with a Mimeo account. You can add as many approvers as you want, but only one approver will need to accept or decline an order. 


Save and Publish

As always, the last step is to hit “Save and Publish.”


If you ever want to modify your approval rules, simply click “edit” from the admin console.
