Best Practices for Organizing Your Library (Mimeo Print)

When it comes to organizing, everyone has their own style. Maybe you like to keep a record of every file you’ve ever used. Maybe you prefer to delete files as soon as they are obsolete.

Here at Mimeo, our goal is to enable you to do your job smarter, no matter your organizational style. 

That’s why we’ve built tools into the Mimeo Print library to help you stay organized in the way that works for you. After helping hundreds of users set up libraries, here are our recommendations for staying organized:

Keep Print Files and Final Documents In the Same Place

Mimeo Vocab: Your print file is the source file that you upload to Mimeo. Your document is the Mimeo creation, which includes your customizations such as paper stock, color, cover preferences, tabs, and any other special instructions.

Your print file is added to a folder called “My Print Files” by default. However, we recommend that you store your files in the same folder as the document you create with them. This makes it easier for you to update documents later on, especially if your document is built out of multiple files

No matter where you save your print files, you may want to delete old files and documents.

If you decide to delete a print file, you’ll get notified of which documents will be affected, to make sure you don’t compromise any of your documents.

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Create Folders and Sub-Folders

In your library, it’s easy to create a folder and sub-folder. Whether you organize this by timeline, by project, or by your own system, we highly recommend folders so you can easily find your documents. 

Keep in mind: you can copy documents to multiple folders, but print files can only be moved and will only exist in one folder at a time. 

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Share Folders for Easier Collaboration

You don’t have to do everything solo. Set your colleagues up with their own Mimeo Print accounts and collaborate on documents with them by sharing folders. You can choose to give them full control to change the document all the way down to the source print files, or you can only give them order access. 

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When searching for a document, use the “advanced search” to add some power behind your query. You can specify which text fields you want to search, whether you’re looking for documents, print files, or inventoried items, within specific folders, and more. 

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