Iron Mountain - Mimeo Case Study

Iron Mountain’s Proposal Services Team was chartered in 2008 with improving quality of RFP responses, while reducing burden on individual sellers.

Iron Mountain – Mimeo Case Study

Iron Mountain’s Proposal Services Team was chartered in 2008 with improving quality of RFP responses, while reducing burden on individual sellers.


RFPs are a critical part of the sales process for Iron Mountain’s North American Sales team of 600 Sellers. The Proposal Services Team was chartered in 2008 with improving the quality of RFP responses, while reducing the administrative burden on individual Sellers. Given the critical business impact, would outsourcing production of proposal documents be possible?

  • Confidence outsourcing a critical RFP deliverable
  • Highest levels of customer service & availability


24/7 access to Mimeo’s Customer Care team was a key factor in the decision to evaluate Mimeo as an outsource vendor. Critical documents would require the Proposal Services team to always have a direct connection to their vendor. Mimeo Print Iron Mountain


“I recall submitting a proposal and missed the 10:00pm cut off by 5 minutes. I picked up the phone to Mimeo Customer Care: ‘Oh my gosh, it’s due tomorrow in Alabama at 2:00pm, help!’ Well, it missed the FedEx truck, my fault. But you guys put it in your own truck, drove it to Alabama and delivered the proposal. Mimeo did that, and we won the RFP!” – Elise


Iron Mountain, a Fortune 1000 company, is a storage and information management company, assisting more than 156,000 organizations in 36 countries on five continents by storing, protecting and managing their information.

“Mimeo has printed and delivered well over 1,000 proposals for Iron Mountain and you’ve never let us down. The responsiveness we get from the customer care team is always incredible.”- Elise Gilbert, Director, Sales Support Services

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