How to Add a Publisher to Your Marketplace (Mimeo Marketplace)

As an administrator, you can give limited administrative rights to a colleague. This level of access is called Publisher

Mimeo Vocab:

A Publisher can add documents to a storefront, but they cannot change the functionality of the storefront. 

To add someone as a publisher:

First, set them up with a Mimeo account by contacting Customer Care at with their business email address.

Once they have a Mimeo account, go into your Marketplace Administrative Console. 

Next, go to the Publishers tab. 

Click on “Add New Publisher.” 

Enter the email address of your new admin. Then select the Marketplace(s) you want them to access and click “enable.” This will give them the ability to publish to selected Marketplaces.

Be sure to check the box agreeing to take responsibility for all materials published to your Marketplace.

Finally, choose “Save and Publish.”

Your publisher will now be able to log into their Mimeo account and click on the Marketplace icon for back-end access to your storefront. 

The publisher can begin adding documents to the storefront immediately! 

Need to add a shopper? Check out this article.